which mask is best in Covid-19 - kapish singh


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Thursday, 9 April 2020

which mask is best in Covid-19

 Which is the right face mask to prevent COVID-19?N95 respirator face mask. (iStock Photo)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends an N95 respirator face mask to protect one from contracting COVID-19.

An N95 respirator face mask removes particles from the air that are breathed through it. These respirators filter out at least 95 percent of very small (0.3 microns) particles. These masks are capable of filtering out all types of particles, including bacteria and viruses.

Choose an N95 face mask to filter out particles in the air. N95 face masks are a great choice for protecting your lungs from particles in the air, which could be metal fumes (such as those caused by welding), minerals, dust, or biological particles, such as viruses. You can wear one when there’s been a flu outbreak in your area, or if pollutants or a fire has made air quality poor. These masks are made of structured, lightweight foam and fit over your nose and mouth.
  • Specially-made versions are also available for people in industrial jobs, and surgical N95 face masks are available for those in health care professions.
  • The number refers to the percentage of particles that the mask can filter out. The N95 mask filters out 95% of dust and particulates.
  • N95 masks shouldn’t be used if oil aerosols are present, as oil damages the filter. The “N” actually stands for “Not resistant to oil.”
Go with an R or P mask if you’ll be exposed to an oily atmosphere. In cases where you face exposure to the mineral, animal, vegetable, or synthetic oils, look for an R or P designated mask. The “R” stands for “somewhat oil-resistant,” which means it will protect you from oil vapors for a time limit specified on the packaging. The “P” stands for “oil-proof or strongly resistant.”[2]
  • These masks also come with number classifications, such as P100 and R 95. The numbers stand for the percentage of particles they filter out.
  • If you’re exposed to gases or vapors which are more concentrated than the exposure limits of these masks, look for a respirator that uses special canisters or cartridges to filter the air even more effectively.
Try on different sizes to get the best fit. Depending on the particular N95 mask you choose, available sizes range from extra small and small to medium and large. If possible, try on a couple of sizes before you purchase one. Make sure the mask feels snug and doesn’t slip on your face, remembering that you’ll also mold it to your face for an even tighter fit. If you’re not sure, go for a smaller size to make sure the mask won’t fall off.
Check with your doctor if you have a respiratory or cardiac condition. N95 face masks can make it more difficult to breathe, especially if you have a chronic cardiac or respiratory condition. Talk with your doctor to see what extra precautions you can take. You may be able to use a model with exhalation valves, which can ease breathing and lessen heat build-up in the mask, although these versions shouldn’t be used if you need to maintain a sterile environment, like an operating room. Talk to your doctor before using if you have any of the following conditions:
  • Breathing problems
  • Emphysema
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Asthma
  • Cardio-pulmonary
  • Immune compromised medical condition problems
Buy a NIOSH-certified N95 face mask from hardware stores or online. You can get an N95 mask at hardware or home improvement stores and pharmacies. You can also purchase directly from online retailers, like 3M. It’s important to only choose masks that are certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). These masks will have the NIOSH logo and a certification approval number on the packaging or the mask.
  • If you need an N95 mask for your job, your employer will likely be required to provide it.
  • Masks that aren’t NIOSH-certified may not provide good protection.
Stock up on face masks so you’ll be ready when you need them. Face masks tend to have large spikes in demand and sell out fast during certain times, such as during an outbreak of an infectious illness or when a region experiences intense pollution. Be prepared by having some on hand for you and each of your family members at all times. Aim to have 2-3 masks per family member to be on the safe side.
  • Take your local environment into account when stocking up on masks. You’ll need more if you live in a big city with notable pollution problems, for example than if you live in a more rural environment with cleaner air.

Breathe through the mask and test for leaks. Set both hands against the mask and take a breath to make sure that it seals against your face. Then exhale, feeling for any leakage from the nosepiece or around the edges. If you feel air leaking from the nose area, re-mold the nosepiece. If it’s coming from the edges of the mask, adjust the placement of the straps on the sides of your head.
  • If your mask still isn’t completely sealed, ask a friend or family member for help, or try a different size or model.
Remove your mask by pulling the straps over the top of your head. Without touching the front of the mask, pull the bottom strap over your head. Let it hang down over your chest. Then, pull the top strap over.
  • You can either throw the mask away or store it in a clean, sealed container or bag.
  • Avoid touching the mask itself, as it might be contaminated.
Throw away your mask if you used it in a medical setting. If you used your mask with an ill patient, or as a way to prevent getting sick in an outbreak, the outside of your mask is likely contaminated. Disposing of it properly will ensure that you won’t come into contact with contaminated particles. Carefully hold the mask by the straps and throw it away in a trash can.

Re-wear your mask as long as it stays dry and fits tightly. If you’re using the mask to protect from environmental hazards and it hasn’t come into contact with harmful germs, it should be fine to wear again. Test the seal of your mask each time you put it on to make sure it still fits snugly. Store your mask in a clean, sealed container or bag and make sure it doesn’t get bent out of shape by surrounding objects.

P95 pollutant protection and exceeds n95, n99 particle filtration criteria for filter efficiency , ≥99% of airborne particles. P-SERIES : EFFECTIVE AGAINST 95% OF PARTICLES including those 100x smaller than what are captured by ordinary dust and respirator masks.

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